Russia rains cluster munitions on residential areas in northeastern Ukraine Russian army is multiplying war crimes in Ukraine by shelling civilians.


On 1 October, Russian indiscriminate artillery shelling injured Ukrainian civilians in the towns close to the Russo-Ukrainian border, the press service of the North Operational Command of Ukraine’s Armed Forces reported.

A resident of Kostobobriv village in the Chernihiv Oblast (northern Ukraine) was wounded in a Russian artillery shelling. Russian multiple rocket launchers rained cluster munitions on the residential area in Druzhba in the Sumy Oblast (northeastern Ukraine) and injured a woman.

Within the last 24 hours, Russia used heavy artillery, multiple rocket launchers, and mortars to shell five villages in the Chernihiv Oblast and eight villages in the Sumy Oblast, according to the press service of the North Operational Command of Ukraine’s Armed Forces.

All Ukrainian villages that came under the Russian fire are located near Ukraine’s state border with Russia (Bryansk region). In total, 13 Russian attacks (87 explosions) were recorded over the last day. Residential buildings were damaged.