• SuddenlyBlowGreen@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Because that’s not relevant to the discussion.

    It is relevant to the discussion. Because it shows that the old testament thinks homosexuality is bad, which you deny.

    So, what is punishment for having sex with an animal? A slave is like an animal. It has been made unclean and unfit.

    You’re not really making the case for a loving god and bible here.

    What you have made the case for however, is that the bible views homosexuals as animals, as lesser than people.

    All the while, you claim that the bible doesn’t save negative things about homosexuality.

    YHWH/God is not arbitrary, I think there’s a good chance we can agree on that.

    If you think so, you clearly haven’t read the bible, at all.

    So, YHWH placed a specific context on these rulings and edicts… the preservation of the Israelites, YHWH’s own people, during their wanderings after exodus from Egypt.

    And it was paramount that all homosexuals be killed, to safeguard these wanderings.

    You must consider the original intended purpose of the command within it’s own context, you cannot remove it from that context without fundamentally changing both it’s meaning and purpose, which is what modern Christianity has done.

    You can shift and twist the context all you like, it’s there clear as day: the bible says a lot of negative things about homosexuals.

    Paul was a rabbi of the Pharisaic school, of which Jesus/Yeshua was also a member. His statements do not modify or supercede the Torah or the teachings of Jesus, but merely reiterate them.

    Reiterate them? So the parts about slavery being completely ok and fine is jesus’ teaching reiterated?

    Good to know. Everybody sets him up as a swell guy and a hippy, but it turns out he supports slavery.

    And note that he did not demand that anyone engaging in those things be “put to death” - but to change their ways.

    Which again, show that homosexuality was put in a negative light. According to the bible, it’s a sin that must be changed.

    It explicitly says homosexuals cannot get into heaven, after all.

    remember this one and contemplate what it means for all other teaching before or after Yeshua’s ministry.

    Thatfully, I don’t have to go to ministrations or read of bigoted supernatural tales to delude myself into thinking I’m a good man, so I’ll skip that, thanks.