It seems PHP means Project High Point (and not horse power) which is the project turning TTD into… whatever it’s going to be.

I personally think the spike is where things are going but my mind is having a tough time envisioning a taller spike than the top hat unless they use a trim brake rather than a launch boost on its final charge over the top hat… But maybe I’m not thinking about it correctly.

What’s everyone else expecting the new TTD to be?

  • Bob K MertzOPM
    1 year ago

    Exactly. I know TTD was speed controlled by the computer for that exact reason. A mechanic told us at a Winter Chill Out a few years back that they could have prevented every roll back but the airtime over the top hat would be incredibly painful.

    On the other hand with RMC being the craze and making it painful for legs everywhere maybe Zamperla doesn’t care the same way Intamin did years ago (that felt weird typing out, lol).