Specifically, do you worry that Microsoft is going to eventually do the Microsoft thing and horribly fuck it up for everyone? I’ve really grown to appreciate the language itself, but I’m wary of it getting too ingrained at work only to have the rug pulled out from under us when it’s become hard to back out.

Edit: not really “pulling the rug”, but, you know, doing the Microsoft classic.

  • Badland9085
    1 year ago

    Aaand just to top of the cake with some cherry, here’s a blog post from someone who’s been paying a keen eye to what MS has been doing.


    I thought the .NET controversy with dotnet watch was many years ago and turns out it was pretty recent.

    In any case, and I think I wrote this in my other comment, just because a project is FLOSS, doesn’t mean it’s all fine and dandy. FLOSS is just the means to an end, and while the community attaches a noble motivation behind it, FLOSS is just a method. The article mentioned that FLOSS is being used as a Venus fly trap, and I honestly couldn’t agree more.