Seem a lot of you think it’s nice that the Baldurs Gate dev took inspiration from a jrpg. Did the dev choose the correct game with Final Fantasy VII? What are your favorite chracters, character you really like or maybe an well written enemy that you hate?

  • Ashtear
    1 year ago

    Yuna is up there for me, too. She’s also a popular one in Japan, placing second in an 2019 NHK poll for Final Fantasy (top 10 there in order are Cloud, Yuna, Aerith, Vivi, Zidane, Emet-Selch, Tidus, Lightning, Tifa, and Zack). The World of Final Fantasy devs also gushed over her in the in-game character notes, which was cute.

    Dana’s a great example of a character that really benefited from a good combination of writing and gameplay.