• Leadership knew that the taliban was not responsible for 9/11 but entered the country anyway. Unlike Iraq, there is no oil in Afghanistan. There was no strategic value in conquering this country other than intimidating other countries not to fuck with the states.
  • USA spends 39% of global spending on military but has only 4% of the population.
  • Vietnam is the most bombed country in the world.
  • The US has caused so much suffering, instated dictators like Pinochet, fueled proxy wars in Latin America and in the middle-east, they even funded the taliban in the 80s.
  • American foreign policy is insane and USA is a terrorist state.

change my mind internet.

edit: spelling

  • TauZero@mander.xyz
    9 months ago

    If I walk by a restaurant and I see a waiter delivering a plate of sushi to a customer, and I like what I see, but I don’t believe in the “idea” of private property, so I just go ahead and eat the sushi, am I the victim of terrorism when the police show up and handcuff me and take me to jail?

    The act of handcuffing and abduction is not non-violent - I would not willingly walk to the jail and the police have to use physical force to restrain my arms and legs and carry me off. The arrest serves no practical purpose as it cannot restore the sushi I have already eaten - it is purely ideological. Practically, even if I don’t believe in private property, the fear of jail alone keeps me from doing what I want - eating the sushi. This is terrorism!

    If you didn’t want to argue about semantics you shouldn’t have used inflammatory semantics! There is still time to recant and use less questionable words instead, while getting your main point across.