So I thought The Creator was brilliant. I watched it in the cinema, thoroughly enjoyed it and was gobsmacked when I learned it’s budget was only $79 million. It looks better than some films I’ve seen that cost three times that.

But apparently, while it may make that back, it’s unlikely to even earn $100 million globally.

So the answer to the question of why Hollywood churns out the same shite over and over is that, currently, tragically, that is what the masses want to spend their money on.

And that makes me sad.

    1 year ago

    It was an OK movie, but there were a number of strange plot holes and other inconsistencies that made the movie puzzling or that needed to be fleshed out better. It felt in 6 like it was trying to be Avatar, using the new gen starwars people to explain it.

    I always welcome new movies though. Really getting sick of scooby-doo like superhero movies and COD-likes like John Wick, mission impossible, James bond and many others.

    The plots are predictable, wrap themselves neatly up in 2 hours, have the main hero always survive automatic fire, and somehow have rebuilt NYC 33 times in the past 30 cinematic universe films. And somehow a new bad guy always has raised billions + a star base/private island that must be destroyed.