• Aeoneir@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Yeah, fuck the French for helping the colonies fight off the Brits. Everyone knows they should’ve just let them crush that little rebellion

      • Pixlbabble@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Ok so how about them Russians when they lost the most lives in WW2 for the Allies to win?

        • MildlyIncorrect
          1 year ago

          Before the USSR joined the allies, they signed a non-aggression pact with Nazi Germany. As part of that pact, they also agreed to jointly invade and occupy Poland, spreading their respective sphere of influence.

          Yes they USSR did eventually join the ally cause, but only after getting stabbed in the back by the Nazis. The Nazi were now the enemy of both the allies and the USSR. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, even if only temporary.

          • Lenins2ndCat@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            This is historical revisionism. What the fuck do you mean EVENTUALLY joined the ally cause??? The soviets did absolutely everything they could to try and convince France and the UK to take action against Hitler but they were hoping Hitler would attack the USSR.

            The ACTUAL historic timeline is like this:

            1: The United States Bourgeoisie bankrolled the rise of fascism in Europe.

            2: The bourgeois leaders of England, France, Poland, Finland and other Western European nations either ignored, enabled, or appeased Hitler’s worst behavior in the buildup to WW2.

            3: The bourgeois leaders of these countries, England in particular, pushed for disastrous bilateral security arrangements which created a domino effect leading to war, while ignoring the USSR’s suggestion of collective, anti-fascist security arrangements.

            4: The bourgeois leaders of these countries pursued a policy not of containing fascist aggression, but of diplomatically isolating the USSR, in the hopes that Hitler would go East and carry out an anti-communist genocide on their behalf.

            5: The bourgeois leaders of these countries, having ignored or stalled collective security proposals from the USSR, actively made bilateral non-aggression pacts with Hitler before Molotov-Ribbentrop was signed, making the USSR the last in a long line of nations to sign non-aggression pacts with Hitler, after the USSR’s collective security proposals fell through.

            6: The USSR only signed Molotov-Ribbentrop to buy time. The USSR only invaded East Poland to prevent a German front from forming right at the Soviet border. This is because attempts to make mutual security arrangements with Poland fell through. The Soviets only moved into the region after the existing government had literally fled the country, leaving it ungoverned. 2 million jews in eastern poland were saved from the nazis by this action.

            7: The USSR tried to purchase a strategic corridor of land from Finland that the nazis could easily use to invade the USSR. The USSR not only wanted to legally purchase this land from Finland, but to trade Finland more acres of land in exchange. i.e. an asymmetrical trade that would have ultimately benefited Finland. Finland refused because the fascist leadership of Finland wanted to see Germany invade the USSR through this strategic corridor. This led directly to the Winter War. The Finnish lost the winter war but used their intelligence that they gathered during it to collaborate with the nazis.

            8: When the North Atlantic allies finally teamed up with USSR after their strategy of appeasing Hitler backfired, they immediately attempted to make asymmetrical security arrangements that would have obligated the USSR to commit far more troops and resources to the war than any other ally, essentially using the USSR as a shield against the very fascist powers they had spent the better part of a decade appeasing. The British in particular kept stalling on arrangements and pretending to be confused.

            9: When the war was over the North Atlantic allies, led by the USA, who came out of the war richer than any other country on Earth, immediately committed to rehabilitating nazis, blaming the USSR, who was decimated by the war, for causing the war, and created NATO to begin encircling the USSR, 6 years before the creation of the Warsaw pact.

            10: The North Atlantic allies immediately set to using the Marshall plan to rebuild the fascist German, Italian, and Japanese economies, indebting them to the United States, and orienting them towards anti-communist policy.

            11: The North Atlantic allies to tried to use the Marshall plan as a proto-IMF to privatize and deregulate the economy of the war-torn USSR, and open it up to foreign capital. That the USSR rejected this was framed as aggression and used as a justification for beginning the cold war.

            But hey, don’t just take my word for it, or this rough outline of what is contained in well regarded books (I implore you to read some). How about we read Albert Einstein’s words spoken at the time these events actually occurred?

            A lot to unpack in this speech but the basics of what Einstein says are:

            1. The USSR made all efforts to stop the war happening.

            2. The western powers(UK, France, US, etc) shut the USSR out of European discussions and betrayed Czechoslovakia.

            3. Molotov-Ribbentrop was an unhappy last resort that they were driven to, that the western powers were attempting to drive the nazis into attacking the USSR and that’s why they would not help the USSR stop them.

            4. The USSR supported everyone while the other powers (UK, France, US, etc) strengthened the nazis and Japanese.

    • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Maybe you’ve always been able to defend yourself without anyone coming to your aid, but believe it or not, it’s quite helpful.