This makes no sense to me. There’s people in the comments literally telling me to go kill myself and that’s fine but, me politely disagreeing is worthy of a 30 day ban.

  • Ilikecheese
    1 year ago

    Did you have a point you were trying to make, or did you want to continue to make mine for me? Your community as a whole is a virus, and my inbox is absolute proof of that. I can say one negative thing about one of you, and I get 10-15 pissed off idiots blowing up my inbox for the next 24 hours. I find it way more hilarious than I do annoying and I’m not sure why you morons seem to think I’m the mad one here, but I assure you it’s the ones telling people to literally kill themselves that are the mad ones. But by all means, keep posting your smuglord pictures over and over again, because that is definitely the pinnacle of debate and definitely never gets old or shows that you have no debate skills at all. Yep.