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University of Ottawa professor and expert in conflict in the Middle East Ruby Dagher told The Hill Times on Oct. 11 that, as a Lebanese Canadian, she is deeply concerned about what she sees as a lack of nuance from Canadian political leaders.

“Hamas does not equal Palestinians. Hezbollah does not equal Lebanon and the Lebanese people,” said Dagher, who added she had been on the phone with her father in Lebanon to check on him following reports of clashes on the Israel-Lebanon border.

Dagher stressed that while she condemns Hamas’ actions “in every way possible,” she is concerned that the rhetoric used by Trudeau and by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, “and even some words Biden is using,” are similar to the speeches that were given after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks in the United States.

“When you’re having those speeches and you’re playing with people’s emotions and you’re framing it from that perspective,” she said, referring to framing the matter as a binary choice of either supporting Israel or being on the side of terrorists, “the Palestinians are no longer Palestinians. You want revenge against people who did this, and the separating line between Hamas and Palestinians doesn’t exist anymore.”

“People stop thinking and they start becoming vengeance-oriented, and they can’t see the humanity behind what they’re saying,” said Dagher.