The final figure will be significantly higher. Asked if the figure was likely to exceed €10 billion, he said: “Yes, we are talking about such magnitude.”

You can’t take money with you, but we will leave an atmosphere behind

  • superguy
    11 months ago

    This is a load of bullshit perpetuated by those invested in solar and idiots who don’t understand how the power grid works.

    Without massive breakthroughs in energy storage, I’m talking multiple nobel-prize winning discoveries, renewables won’t be able to replace nuclear because most energy we use is generated on demand.

    Without a way to store the energy generated from most renewable sources, we would have periods of excess where energy is wasted, and periods of insufficiency where we don’t have enough energy production or storage to meet demand.

    I guarantee you, every. single. article (blogpost) explaining why renewables are ‘cheaper’ does not focus on energy storage or delivery. They purposefully ignore this information because it’s easier to take advantage of laymen by focusing solely on ‘production.’