Ever “invent” a game before? I made this and have been craving a round ever since. How does it go?

  • ThePowerOfGeek@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Years ago a colleague and I invented (or more likely reinvented since I’m sure we weren’t the first) a game we called ‘office ball’.

    Our cube walls were pretty high, and one day we started batting a scrunched-up ball of paper over the dividing wall between our cubes.

    It pretty quickly evolved some esoteric and convoluted rules that made it even more fun and fair. And then when one of our cube neighbors wanted to join the fun we adapted them rules to allow for a three-player battle royale variant (in addition to the 1v1 original).

    We didn’t play it often. Only when our boss wasn’t there (we were in a small, private suite) and we had a lull in work to do. But it was fun.

    As I recall the point of the game was to not let the paper ball hit the floor or desk in your cube. You could only hit it twice maximum, with the second hit needing to send it over to a cube neighbor. If it ended up in a cube neighbor who wasn’t playing they opponent gained a point. If the ball hit your desk or floor the opponent earned a point. The first to 21 points was the winner. There were a whole bunch of other rules, but they were specific to our desk arrangement, and I forget them now.

    • Call me Lenny/LeniOPM
      1 year ago

      The people in charge must be cool to not complain. My teachers/boss would fuss about something like that.