Apparently this one was knitted in April 2013, which means I’d been learning to knit for probably a month and a half on starting this. Lace shawls always looks so apirational and pretty, so I just jumped in, grabbed the free Florelei pattern on Ravelry, and gave it a go!

Slight issue, I only had cotton yarn. But I didn’t let that stop the attempt. The first update on my Ravelry page just read:

08 Apr - Cast on without really having any concept of how difficult this will be or whether I can do it.

Actually kinda proud of myself for not letting the unknown hold me back!

The cotton did mean it came out much smaller than intended, and I had to add some extra repeats. And of course there are a TON of mistakes that are honestly quite visible when it’s laid out flat but really a non-issue when it’s worn.

The mistakes don’t bother me though, it was a fantastic learning experience and taught me, among other things, the importance of stitch markers and what a difference blocking can make!

The main problem with this project was that it turns out I don’t really have use for lacy shawls, but we live and learn 😂

    1 year ago

    Looks amazing! And yeah making a lace scarf is definitely a commitment. I made one and gave it away as well because I too realized I don’t wear lace scarves either, plus it never gets cold enough where I currently live. But it still looks beautiful and you should definitely be proud!

    • thegiddystitcherOPM
      1 year ago

      Thank you! Even though it turned out to not really be very “me” I’m still really proud of it 😊