State attorneys general threaten top US companies with legal action over race-based quotas.

    1 year ago

    Fix those old policies.

    A new racist policy does not fix the old ones, it just creates more issue.

    Asians appear to be doing fine without prefential admissions or hiring policing in most high paying jobs…

      1 year ago

      Affirmative action is the fix to the old racist policy. That’s what we came up with. It literally opens the door for minorities to have any opportunity.

      That’s not racist. That’s just acknowledging that racism still exists. Racists like to pretend otherwise. They like to outright lie and say that affirmative action is somehow racist on its own. They are lying, because they’re racist fucks who want to slam closed any doors opened to minorities, so that their C- average a kid can coast to an easy job that would otherwise be “stolen by minorities”.

      They’re just pissed that they can’t just skate by on being white, because that’s the only thing they ever accomplished with their lives, as they blamed minorities for everything else.

        1 year ago

        You understand that these policies affact everyone in the pool right??

        Also, nepo babies always get priority in everything… Data speaks for itself. Affirmative action does nothing to prevent nepotism.

        It also benefits rich minorities, not the working people. You need to get educated on who actually benefits from these policies.

        You are spouting generic propaganda. Look at the data. Look at what minorities get into top school, who gets top jobs in prestige fields like media, law, politics and somewhat tech.

        The flip side, affirmative action is not fair to recent immigrants and the poor’s more broadly… In addition to mediocre whites who seem to depise… Some of which is warranted but it doesn’t make it right. Two wrong don’t make a right.

        This breeds resentment, social policy need to be neutral to be effective. Why can’t we have social policy benefiting everyone?

          1 year ago

          A social policy should be “neutral”, but reality is not. So a “neutral” policy is going to be used to hurt minorities. That’s the point of rolling back affirmative action. Hurting minorities.

          You can tell that it’s the full goal here because the white racists are the ones pushing for it. Them, and Clearance Thomas, who is the ultimate case of pulling the ladder up behind himself.

          That’s what racists want you to ignore, that racism in hiring and education admission is alive and well, and that affirmative action is the only thing that was sort of holding it back. (and not doing an amazing job, but it was something).

          Did you know that many schools today, elementary onward, are more segregated than they were in the 1950s? All because white racists decided to route around Brown v Board.

          Colleges and Universities were one of the few educational environments where segregation has been decreasing. But now it’s fair game to ignore the A+ black kid in favor of the C- white kid again.

      1 year ago

      That in and of itself is selection bias. Asians have more representation in those types of jobs because those are the ones more likely to accelerate the immigration process due to who we let in.