Background: I was in high school (public) and our school just got back from quarantine, and had everybody to take a mandatory covid test every week. Our teachers rounded us up and these people swabbed and tested us. We didn’t sign anything, we didn’t ask for this, we were just told to line up and do it.

Now that was last school year, just this week I received a bill from MEDLAB2020 sent to my home with my full name and my insurance information telling me to pay $3700 for that year of weekly COVID tests. Now, I thought this was free, being in a public school and not having signed or agreeing to anything. So I guess I’ll just call the school up the following Monday or something because I’m not paying this.

I did find a post with pretty much the same situation

    1 year ago

    Not necessarily. I’m pretty sure there are several medical procedures that parental consent isn’t required for in some places (controversially, gender affirming care). I don’t know about California, but COVID testing at school sounds like it would easily fall into that category.