✌️ Hey, everybody. I would like to bring to your attention my side project. Repository on GitHub


This is a self-hosted platform for developing chatbots. Basically it is a server that can be controlled by HTTP requests. Here is divided functionality for admins, bots and ordinary users. I also made a simple web client to interact with bots immediately. I tried to make the documentation more or less readable, so I hope it will be interesting for someone. It’s kind of like an alternative to Discord/Telegram bots, but on your own hosting…

I will be glad to get your feedback. 👀

  • TylerDurdenJunior@lemmy.ml
    11 months ago

    As it is 17 MB, I am guessing that no LLM’s is included?

    Is it just calling API’s?

    If so, it is strange thing to describe it as selfhosted imo