It seems like everyone just accepted the idea that the barbarous hordes from Gaza must obviously be raping any Israeli girl they could get their hands on, repeating those claims as if it were accepted fact. But it never made sense to me- not because such acts are beneath them, but due to the time and logistical constraints they were under during their limited time beyond the Gaza borders. But it seems like everyone, including every media outlet, wouldn’t stop adding the accusations of rapes to the list of horrors Israelis faced that day.

That said, I am under no delusion that the hostages, once secured and taken to their base, are not at risk of being sexually assaulted. But nearly every interview I’ve seen with family members of (female) hostages seems to be highly concerned with rape as a likely outcome as if this is a common practice among Palestinians. I’ve seen many of them repeating that “Hamas is ISIS” and let their imaginations run wild with the worst possible scenarios.

But based on the hostages who have been released so far, we can at least say they were treated FAR, FAR better than the captives under US detainment in Abu Grahib or Guantanamo Bay.

  • emizeko [they/them]
    11 months ago

    while that IOF lie is being repeated and debunked, here’s a story that western media will not cover:

    Three Palestinian were kidnapped, beaten, urinated on, tortured, and sexually abused by about 25 of IOF soldiers and armed zionist settlers who ambushed them in Wadi Al-Siq near #Ramallah while they were helping local residents.

    They were badly bruised, with cigarettes put out on them and their faces shoved in excrement. One of the detainees described his experience like that of American forces at Abu Ghraib prison. The settlers posted the photos on Facebook.

    They were led, blindfolded and with hands bound with steel wire, to an empty room. Soldiers used knives to rip their clothes, and then continued beating them.

    The prisoners were released, naked, six hours later from the building covered in human excrement, after the Jewish supremacist forces stole a car and cash. One of the three prisoners was hospitalized.

    Prisoners and detainees face hellish conditions now, especially with escalating zionist violence and humiliation. The head of the Prisoners’ Commission stated, “Many prisoners have had their limbs, legs, and hands broken, and after the beatings, their comrades could no longer recognize them.”

    In August, Jewish supremacist zionist police branded a Star of David on a Palestinians’ face.

    This heightened abuse comes as the zionist entity doubles the number of prisoners from 5,300 to over 10,000 in the last two weeks.
