I love this thing. I wanted a Volcano for years. It feels like both science and magic at the same time. I can put enough flowers into me to be as stoned as I need to be without the gross respiratory effects. I’ve always struggled to use flowers through the winter months when holiday anxiety redoubles my weed need. Between this and my employee discount, I bet I can avoid my traditional holiday season drinking. If I can manage that, it’ll have paid for itself twice. It was expensive af, but I paid for $200 of it with a gift card I got from a sales competition. So far it has been 100% worth it.

EDIT: Sync doesn’t display my extra pictures! =O

  • BertramDitore@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Ah yeah, good point. I should clarify: I have the hybrid, and I leave the vaporizer itself on all day, but I remove the basket after I fill the bag each time. It definitely will cook the herbs if I leave the basket on.

    Eventually I’ll figure out the best method for using the whip, but you just can’t beat a full bag of vapor imo!