• EatATaco
    11 months ago

    I wasn’t answering any question

    I could tell. Which is why I called you out on it. You don’t want to defend your position. I get it at this point. You just want to continue to repeat the only thing you can do: suggest I’m subservient to the rich.

    just calling out your rather weak scab-ass statement that boils it down to “sucks for you, but times are good, just get with it”

    As I said, putting words in my mouth. We’ve already covered this. Better to just make up my position because that’s easier to debate. But, again, not reality. Sorry that’s so hard for oyu.

    At least you acknowledged that you made a weak point that got challenged

    lol. Wut? Go re-read my post and then explain how this makes any sense.

    • Shadywack@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      Ok, let’s step through this since you like to do the quote thing.

      oDDmON states as follows in part of his comment:

      prices continue to spiral

      To which you demand:

      What does this even mean? While inflation is still higher than target rates, it’s well down from the peak.

      First off, just because you asked SOMEONE ELSE a question, doesn’t mean that the next person who responds to you is answering your question. I really don’t give a shit that you asked a question, since your question isn’t even an inquiry. It’s a thinly veiled inflammatory response to something commonly inferred, which is really just someone being frustrated with inflation to which you respond “the inflation isn’t as bad as it was before”.

      Let’s unpack that, you’re an asshole. Why are you an asshole? Just because it’s a softer impact for YOU doesn’t mean it’s any less of an impact for others who see inflation outpacing raises. Many people got a paltry 3% increase, if any increase at all. So while 4% is indeed < 8% from where it was at peak, what you’re doing is dismissing something that really impacts many people. So, fuck you.

      Next off, you’re saying I’m putting words in your mouth, when what I’m really responding with is a “I’m hearing XYZ” type of statement because I just don’t know how else to interpret your insinuation that we should just accept economic issues as “well it could be worse”.

      I accuse you of bootlicking as a pushback against the notion that we should just be ok with the economy as it is. I say, fuck you, eat the rich, and let’s fight for a more equitable slice of the pie. Bootlickers and scabs can fuck off with their bullshit. Billionaires are very fortunate that they’re not being publicly butchered right now.

      • EatATaco
        11 months ago

        commonly inferred

        Sorry, I disagree. They made a statement about what inflation is doing and where it is going, both of which don’t reflect the reality of it. If you are going to challenge good economic news with false claims about another economic indicator, it’s best to be ready to defend your position. Unless, of course, this is all just a “woe is me” circle jerk.

        Just because it’s a softer impact for YOU doesn’t mean it’s any less of an impact for others who see inflation outpacing raises.

        I explicitly noted this multiple times. Your ability to miss it is quite impressive.

        So, fuck you.

        So, basically, you’re the asshole you claim I am. No surprises, projection is very common.

        I accuse you of bootlicking as a pushback against the notion that we should just be ok with the economy as it is.

        At what point did I say or imply anyone should be okay with it? Why is it so hard for people to not view things as black and white? Just because I accept the facts that inflation is not currently out of control and is coming down towards historical norms does not mean I think everything is perfectly fine.

        If you want people to take your positions seriously, they should be fact based, and you certainly should call people bootlickers simply because they challenge bs claims about the facts.