Ive been helping at an animal rehabilitation centre, and today i was shown how to properly handle snapping turtles and not lose fingers.

  • Judgy_McJudgerson
    1 year ago

    Lol 😅 Oh; I bet she did not appreciate the flip.

    Fun related story: I’m a teacher. One morning, a box of kittens was dropped off in front of the school. Naturally, teachers claimed them. I already owned several cats so I quarantined the one I picked until the vet appointment I made for the next day. Feline leukemia is very contagious and I don’t take chances with strange cats. The vet says it’s a girl and we scheduled the spay. I named her Lucy. She was a very smart girl and learned her name quickly. Then it was time for the spay with a different vet. The vet took one look and asked why we had scheduled a spay. “Well, other doctor said it was a girl.” “Nope. These are balls.” So, the spay turned into a neuter and Lucy changed to “Luci”, short for Lucifer.

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