A 76 year old volunteer youth bowling coach, a long life ended in seconds
A stay at home dad with another child on the way, one who will never know their father
A deaf man who loved hanging out with his dog M&M
A father of 4 who was an interpreter and advocate for the deaf community and translated during pandemic briefings
2 dads who were childhood best friends
A new father who celebrated his daughter’s 2nd birthday two weeks previous, loved wrestling, and quoting Macho Man Randy Savage
Several more parents of young children
A mother talking about how her 14 year old son gave the best hugs and how his friends really miss him (She lost her husband as well)
You fully realize these are people, families, friends, communities that are likely permanently, deeply scarred for life by losing people they loved in a sudden, extremely violent act.
Now way to prevent this in country where it keeps happening literally week after week.