So I got ipfs running tonight. For those unfamiliar, it’s a distributed file system but isn’t really searchable. The point is that your website, service, or content is spread out so it “can’t” disappear. If you want to self hosted this, details are at . I installed kubo from the *.deb file and went straight to the webgui.

I originally wanted to help serve some government sites that are known to be ddos but couldn’t find the CID.

So I archives and posted the next best thing:

So if you want to try it out and help save a site, you should be able to use this CID (I think)


For those that know more than me:

  1. Is there any risk to posting the CID like I did? Like can someone change my add to include malware?
  2. How does publishing to ipns make it easier for people to find?
  3. Is the only real option posting the CID or making dnslink connections to http?
  • ReinoutWolter@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    No one can change the contents of a CID, it’s based on a hash.

    IPNS associates a static address to changing content CIDs, easier to remember, write down etc. I’ve never had much luck persisting a IPNS association over time.

    You could post the CID to an ethereum contract, or pubsub or some other decentralized platform.