• BaroqueInMind@kbin.social
    11 months ago

    How about having some humanity and be against genocide regardless of the religion

    You say this, and I have scrubbed your comment history and see nothing come from your denouncing Hamas, which is why i claim you are in support of terrorism. This is why I asked your views on Judaism. You claim to have an unbiased opinion and want peace, but so far I have not seen it from you at all.

    So far, Israel has the only solution for an end-state to begin peace: destroy Hamas. You are implying the Israelies should NOT do that and simply ignore the thousands of families that got massacred a last week?

    What can you do if your neighbor next door wants you gone and not just gone, they want you dead? You can’t reason with them. What do you do?

    I am here to thwart attempts at demonizing Palestinian in the eye of the gullible masses.

    A valiant effort. Good luck with that. I genuinely hope you are successful. Palestinians are cool, Hamas can suck my tiny pp and deserve to die.

    • Diabolo96@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      11 months ago

      You calll them terrorists, i call them freedom fighters. They’re Palestinian that witnessed again and again the atrocities of Isreal and are retaliating.Isreal literally take their homes and lands and build settlements and these are the least things they’ve been doing to them.

      the biggest propaganda achievement a country that wants war is calling the other side freedom fighters terrorists so that the world come to their side when they commit atrocities. USA, succeeded with Vietnam and Israel succeeded with palestine.

      Isreal have shown to not want to establish a two state solution, they want it all. They’re not poor innocent souls who can’t defend themselves they’re murderers, colonizers and criminals of war, all of them. Pretty much like the British that went to apartheid South Africa to enslave and colonize the natives.

      • BaroqueInMind@kbin.social
        11 months ago

        What’s stopping you from flying over to Palestine and helping them succeed? Do you want what the Taliban have in Afghanistan all over the Levant with Hamas? This is a serious question because it’s on the table if Hamas has its way.

        • Diabolo96@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          11 months ago

          It’s always Muslims = terrorists with you guys. Muslims freedom fighters were called terrorists by the colonizers/west since more than a century now. Destroy a country infrastructure and education system. Butcher it’s citizens like cattles and then ask why religious zealots control the distressed, always agonizing population in a world were their fights for freedom is considered illegal.

          • BaroqueInMind@kbin.social
            11 months ago

            Just for clarification, I am Muslim BTW. You are supporting terrorists, so I would say your bias is morally wrong

            • Diabolo96@lemmy.dbzer0.com
              11 months ago

              Your religion is non of my or anyone business. Be it truth or a lie( and it’s an old propaganda trick, IE: “I am black and Obama did nothing for me” said a white racist who forgot to change his account), It’s a personal choice and It doesn’t change anything to my arguments.

              But if you’re Muslim, you’re likely from a former colony or you’re parents were. Just look at it’s history and you’ll find countless newspapers from the colonizers calling any retaliation or guerilla work by the native as a terrorist attack. Freedom never came for free and the colonizers atrocities we’re always justified as a fight against terrorism or simply swept under the rug. Always know your people history because the abusers will always try to act as the victims. Plus,knowing about history allow you to see bullshit propaganda from miles away.

              • BaroqueInMind@kbin.social
                11 months ago

                I agree with you, but you need to draw the line somewhere at the point where the freedom fighters are not targeting military personnel and simply killing innocent families in their homes, hunting down teens at a concert, as well as hiding in hospitals. That’s not how freedom fighters fight, that’s how terrorist pussies fight.

                Hamas are fucking terrorists. Full stop. And I still can’t understand why you are okay with them murdering helpless people instead of fighting bravely like actual freedom fighters (Mujahideen are a good example) . What the fuck is wrong with people?

                • Diabolo96@lemmy.dbzer0.com
                  11 months ago

                  Last message : Were you fucking living under a rock ? It’s like you completely forgetting Isreal is doing far worse. This must be a joke right? the Israeli cowards use drones, bombs, high grade military to bomb and kill civilians every other year . Without forgetting the stealing of land and houses to built settlement , the daily and constant attacks that the settlers are committing toward the palistinians . Wtf ? The way you’re trying to force one side as the epitome of evil and completely obscure the other side horrible acts is enough to tell me everything. Especially the heavy use of isreali propaganda arguments.

                  hunting down teens at concert

                  Isreal Hunting down palistinians teens every day of their life, attacking them and beating them, destroying their freaking house to give to a colonizer and kills all their family with drone strike every other year. No, the other side are horrible.

                  • BaroqueInMind@kbin.social
                    11 months ago

                    the Israeli cowards use drones, bombs, high grade military to bomb and kill civilians every other year

                    Unless you provide me a specific news article for this, I’m going to assume they were targeting Hamas militants.

                    Without forgetting the stealing of land and houses to built settlement , the daily and constant attacks that the settlers are committing toward the palistinians

                    The land has been sold to Israeli settlers since Ottoman times in the 1800s when, Arabs who owned the lands, sold it to European Jews. No land is being “stolen” unless you can please provide a news article with proof.

                    Isreal Hunting down palistinians teens every day of their life, attacking them and beating them, destroying their freaking house to give to a colonizer and kills all their family with drone strike every other year

                    Again, please post a news article about this thing you claimed happened.

                    You seem to be heavily convinced by Hamas propaganda and your mind is likely incapable of critical thought so let me rephrase in caps

                    HAMAS ARE FUCKING TERRORISTS. You supporting them and echoing their propaganda in favor of them makes you seem like a violent idiot who enjoys to see suffering. Jews and Muslims live peacefully elsewhere, Hamas wants that to stop. Fuck you for enabling this kind of shit take.