A TikTok video of a young woman complaining about her work-life balance after getting her first 9-to-5 position after college—described as “Gen Z girl finds out what a real job is like” in an X post—has gone viral. But while many have perceived her rant to be about having to work, a closer listen shows it’s really about having to commute to and from the office—and what little time there is left in her day after that.

    11 months ago

    having a commute to and from the office

    The difference between waking up at 8 to catch the 830 bus and be at work by 9 vs waking up at 7 to be on the road by 730 to sit in morning traffic for ninety minutes is huge. Hell even if your commute is relatively quick, the difference between driving a car and being free to read or post or whatever while somebody else drives is huge on its own.

    WFH allows workers to reclaim all of that time for themselves. That’s why bosses hate it - commute times are essentially uncompensated labor.