There was a conversation with Withers where he shares a bunch of back-story about some of the big bads. He’s speaking pretty plainly, but there was still a dialogue option that said “Stop speaking in riddles and speak plainly. Can’t you give me more information?”. I felt like I had already obtained what I needed from him, but clicked that option just to be sure I didn’t miss something. The game zoomed in on his face and he slowly and firmly stated “NO”. I cracked up in real life because it felt like the “speak plainly” option was there entirely to toy with the players, which is pretty funny.

  • Ashtear
    11 months ago

    Indeed, depending on various conditions, quite a few threads can end there on the spot. Other consequences (like losing the necrotic resistance) can be severe, too.

    As is, I think the fight is probably too challenging considering the stakes. From what I can tell, her gloves have been bugged since launch, and the fight was likely balanced around them being active and auto-clearing her debuffs. Last time I was there, she got paralyzed early in the first round and they made quick work of her after that (and this was a multiplayer session on Explorer).

    Sanctuary does make the fight all but trivial if there’s a cleric in the party.