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A meme where the top picture is La Forge from Star Trek looking disapproving, while the bottom is him looking pleased.

Top text: not sharing your source code out of greed

Bottom text: not sharing your source code out of shame

stolen from

      7 months ago

      I made the same promise and have yet to deliver due to shame. But also because I get enough hassle from users without the source code and I don’t have time to handle everything that will come up when they have the code.

  • CyberCatBytes
    447 months ago

    Sharing ur code except it’s by uploading an audiobook of u reading it out loud on Amazon

    • Björn Tantau
      137 months ago

      Back when cassette tapes were common to store data you could actually get programs through the radio.

  • r00ty
    277 months ago

    It’s not even shame. There are two kinds of software developer. Those that just appreciate everyone else doing the same as them. And those that will not tolerate anyone:

    • Not using the same language as they do
    • Not using the same source control as they do
    • Need to tell you that you shouldn’t do the things they don’t do because they’re wrong

    Not sharing code is usually just to avoid the latter type, who will appear and seemingly have a lot of time to check every line of code you’ve ever produced :P

      187 months ago

      Most people get over it during uni when everyone is arguing over “X vs Y” language or “vim vs productivity”. At some point you realize how pointless these debates are and continue with your life.

      For anyone wanting to publish their code, remember it’s probably better than most OSS code. If you don’t believe that go read a python or js library:

      1. python’s celery for example has hard coded timeouts on every control operation
      2. react mui has so overcomplicated types that they break webstorm inspections
      3. I once found a typing hack on an python library where they reversed a string in order to conditionally import types only when mypy was running in order to avoid cyclic imports.

      I still love those libraries, use them at my work and will recommend them to anyone with similar needs as I.

      Last but not least, if you aren’t using git something is wrong with you 🤣.

  • edric
    127 months ago

    Not sharing your code for job security

  • Maoo [none/use name]
    47 months ago

    Bespoke: not sharing your source code because you don’t want to provide free labor to megacorps.