Stuff you’ve finished, stuff you’re in the middle of–I wanna hear about it all!

    1 year ago

    I just finished Sanderson’s Secret Project 3 (I know some people consider the title a spoiler).

    Let me start by saying when I was about 20 chapters in, a little under half way, I was considering giving up and moving on. The writing was good, loved the world building and the mystery, hated one of the main characters. They were grating, annoying, and treated the other character in what I thought was a completely unbelievable and obnoxious way.

    Now that I’ve finished it, it might be one of the best cosmere novels. Certainly one of the best non-series novels. The ending was perfect, the characters grew on me and became amazing. Loved it.

      1 year ago

      I wasn’t considering DNFing by any means, I’m too big of a Cosmere fan to do that, but I have to admit, I also did not like the beginning. I was very bored by the exposition, and not compelled by the premise. But absolutely agreed with you that in the end, it was quite possibly my favorite Cosmere. Tress was holding that honor, and I think SP3 may have unseated Tress. My expectations for SP4 are unbelievably high now.