I tried to learn functional programming. I’ve talked with recruiters and talked with small business owners.

“We only hire the best!” “X language is better than Y language.”

OOP is the future, FP is the future, NO SQL is the future, NO, SQL wasn’t that bad, go back!

Every 6 months the technology changed, all of it was hype all the time. But with all that noise, we finally see what they’ve built. It’s crap. Thanks to Elon, we can see behind the curtain of Twitter. It’s a pile of crap.

Building and maintaining a huge codebase is hard and there are no magic bullets. You need smart, talented people who care about what they leave behind.

They could have built something beautiful and elegant. They built crap. That pisses me off.

  • squashkin@exploding-heads.com
    2 years ago

    lots of stories of programmers who quit programming

    even Linus Torvalds doesn’t consider himself to be as much of a programmer anymore

    programmers might ideally need to start their own businesses or freelance

    one problem is leaders don’t have to know how to code, they just have to find people to code for them - this can allow the programming to get distorted in a lot of ways (asking for quick solutions that might require difficult rewrites later, creating unrealistic deadlines, etc.)

    It’s probably like a lot of things, there is a different between creating art for fun and making a business out of making commercial art