• kuneho@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    I can’t be sure were you sarcastic or nor, in text it’s not easy to determine; but yeah. she was… way too cliché-y compared to… anyone else.

    after TOS, bullshit deaths wasn’t such an unexpected thing, but the way she died, especially as the head of security…

    idk. also, she was my gf’s favorite, so this also way a giveaway that she will die eventually…

    by the way, saw lots of people saying early TNG is shit, but aside FROM THAT FUCKING RIKER MONTAGE SEASON ENDING EPISODE (wtf man?), it was fine IMO. sometimes a little bit rough on the edges, tho, that’s true.

    but that’s also true that we didn’t really had any illusions, we were so hyped on Star Trek after TOS and being drunk by the fact that there’s a lot more Star Trek to watch helped us through on the lesser good episodes of TNG. (but the montage, man…)

    • But Class War [Illinois]@midwest.social
      11 months ago

      partially sarcastic, Tasha Yar as a character had big potential and was intended to be cooler but they started off on the wrong foot, never corrected, and never developed her.

      The wikipedia rabbit hole for Tasha Yar and her actor Denise Crosby is an interesting one. Some of the creators thought she was the most interesting character in the “show bible” so maybe it was the episode writers that missed the message and gave her such empty stories and flubbed what could have been a cool character. Either way it would have been interesting to see a woman in the role of chief of security and another big leap in the progressiveness of star trek.

      TOS had post cold war russians, and showed that black people are part of the future. Aside from briefly having a woman in charge of security I can’t think of any progressive traits on TNG other than negotiating and 1st contact (are Picard’s bag and) better that fighting. Don’t get me wrong through I still hold a special place for TNG, just finished a rewatch not too long ago, but on second-ish watch, with the rose tinted glasses off, it is disappointing they had an opportunity to make a statement about a brighter, freer, more equitable future but ended up going with rape gangs and forced marriage (oh and fucking Data) instead.

      So yeah the character ended up weak but was originally intended to be a bad ass. missed opportunity for something cooler and bigger.

      • Queen HawlSera
        11 months ago

        Sadly it is the old assumption that rape is just “One of those things that happens to women, like periods.”

        It’s getting better now, more editors are catching it (Laura Croft was supposed to be a “innocent flower” at one point who only became badass because she got raped… this was not only removed from the final game but the person was fired)

        But… the idea of rape as a “Female Problem like broken finger nails and not being able to go to the mall” is definitely a major sign that the writing you are looking at is from the 90s when they want edge and they want women, but no idea how to do both.

        I’ve even done it once and I’m not even a man… and even then it was in something meant to be sleazy with a B grade horror vibe and as an homage to I Spit On Your Grave

      • kuneho@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        (oh and fucking Data)

        man, I completely forgot about that :D

        but I see. and I can aggree that there was potential in her.