Welcome to Ask Burggit, wanted to get it off the ground and make an initial post, and I was kind of curious to see what people would answer.

How did you hear about Burggit?

  • Burger@burggit.moe
    1 year ago

    While I think more general purpose communities would be awesome, we honestly should not care what these people think of us. They’ve already got the narrative in their heads that we’re a skinhead nazi instance when that’s far from the case. It does not matter how much we try to prove to them we aren’t one. The guys on r/RedditAlternatives painted me as a right winger, then a fascist, then settled on libertarian.

    They did the thing that average redditors do and dug through my profile and found one little meme of me making fun of the WEF and painted me as a horrible person based on that. It was quite funny to watch them short circuit and try to pidgeonhole me into an ideology, though. I personally hate both political parties with a passion and think libertarians are the vegetarians of politics who refuse to shut the hell up. So they got it all completely wrong.

    • soulnull@burggit.moe
      1 year ago

      The funny thing is i was in a pretty heavy debate (oddly enough on the KDE subreddit) because i called out righties for making something political that really didn’t need to be, and then the lefties came out in force to swarm me for the single line “I’m no ally to either side”. Oh man, you’d think I started Nazi marching to those people, absolutely no tolerance for someone that refuses to be in full lock step with every line of their bullshit. And then people wonder why I’m no ally to either side. It’s because the “sides” are straight up fucking cults at this point. In a world of, what, almost 8 billion people, things are more complex than 2 “sides”

      I read the thread you mention (I did my homework), and I was simultaneously amused and disgusted. Amused at how badly they needed a box to place you in to feel better about their little world view, but disappointed and disgusted that we’re in a timeline and place where people can’t just go “meh, I disagree” and move on. And with civility, but that’s certainly out the window. So much fucking drama over such stupid shit. Seriously.

      I don’t have to agree with someone to respect their stance, nor do I need to respect their stance to agree. Anyone can have a good or a bad take. I care not about the messenger, but the ideas presented. The original aim of “anonymous” was to separate the ideas from the identity so each idea could stand on its own merits. It’s a good concept, but instituted by flawed beings that crave attention, it’s doomed to failure. Which is sad, because it’s a good idea.

      I could continue ranting (I probably most closely align with the “vegetarians” so clearly I don’t know when to shut the hell up, though admittedly I say I’m small L because I don’t vibe with centralized power over a concept or idea), but I’ll cease for now since I’m already veering vaguely off the original topic…