Wondering how to fill the void if I go off Reddit for good. Though I absolutely abhor what’s happening, there are certain subreddits that over the years have become the only online source of updates about things I cared about…
Wondering how to fill the void if I go off Reddit for good. Though I absolutely abhor what’s happening, there are certain subreddits that over the years have become the only online source of updates about things I cared about…
RSS reader? Reddit (at least for now…) has RSS feeds for every subreddit. You could add the feed to your reader, and use full text extraction to get the posts so you don’t have to load Reddit directly.
@projectmoon Yeah. Have this setup already but not sure of the technical side of things. I mean, the way things are going, isn’t there a possibility that RSS subscriptions are also stopped if one of the underlying goals is to direct people towards their shitty app?
Been thinking about and exploring alternatives to Reddit as a result…
It is quite possible that Reddit will get rid of its RSS feeds.
I never knew this! Time to learn how rss feeds work