First of all, if you claim to be a “leftist” and hate President Biden then you’re most likely just a Trumper pretending to be a Liberal for attention and trolling. Secondly, I can’t believe you already made Biden lose in 2024! Every time you Berners refuse to vote for a democrat because they aren’t “left enough” you’re actually voting for Trump. Besides, Biden is the most progressive candidate and he’s doing his best to create us the perfect economy. And did you know that Biden is actually the most union president ever? He even says he supports them. It’s ridiculous that we have to keep reminding you progressive voters every 4 years that democracy itself is at stake and the only way to preserve it is by voting really hard for the blue guys. Sure there are bad apples on both sides, but at least democrats are fighting for freedom 'and reason against the GOP who is mostly just putin Trump worshippers. It all comes down to this, Hexbears, what will it be? Democratic Democracy with a President we can be proud of or Trump republican?

P.S. if you really want a super leftist president you can sign this petition to make kamala and hillary the first woman presidents/vice presidents in 2028