• Frank [he/him, he/him]@hexbear.net
    11 months ago

    Uhh, more serious answer

    • Your rent is going up because

    a.) rich wipipo don’t want multi-unit houses near them bc they’re racist, so housing either doesn’t get built or gets built out in the sticks away from white enclaves

    b.) blackrock is buying all the houses everywhere, then renting them out at the highest prices they can, making the market scream

    c.) The class of all land-leeches has a shared interest in driving the value of their properties and the prices they rent at as high as possible. There are no brakes, they’re gonna drive that fucker faster and faster until it hits a wall. As long as there is someone who can afford to pay, they’ll drive the rent higher until there’s no one left that can pay

    d.) Laws in the US are structured such that houses are owned as an appreciating financial asset instead of a home intended to be lived in. That’s stupid for all kinds of reasons, but it encourages most home owners to support policies and actions, including violent illegal actions like targeted police violence intended to drive out undesirables, or police action against homeless people, systematic racism, etc, to drive up property valuations. People are incentivized to do this because the US doesn’t meaningfully have pensions or any means of caring for the elderly so if you don’t sock away a million bucks before you hit 65 you’re going to die in penniless misery.

    So, your rent is going up, your mom’s rent is going up, your partner’s rent is going up, all your friends and coworkers rent is going up, your neighbors rent is going up, everyone’s fucking rent is going up and devouring more and more of their paltry income, because there’s a class of people who own things, and they want to use the things they own to extract as much wealth as possible, at gunpoint (The cops), from people who don’t own things. Which is the basis of communist theory.

    This applies to every single thing in your life through more or less convoluted paths, from the cost and availability of medicine to how you get to work (car companies bought and destroyed all the trolley companies so they could sell more busses. City highways were paved over black neighborhoods and enclaves so they could be built without having to sue lots of white people, etc). to what foods you have available to everything related to the military and literally every other thing. It’s all politics.