How to deal with a really annoying neighbor? She decided to tap on the wall ALL DAY EVERY DAY in an attempt to dictate my behavior. I am in Buenos Aires, Argentina if it matters.

I’m the guy who was complaining about the smell of the apartment. Fortunately, whoever was chain smoking left and the only smell I get is maybe a little weed smell every other day now.

Even worse though is the neighbor above me. She taps all day every day. Taps at me for brushing my teeth. Taps at me for typing (I’m a full time online student, I have no choice but to do my school work…) tapped on the wall twice now because I was taking a shit. Taps when I move from one side of my bed to the other. Taps when I get up from my desk and go to my refrigerator. Taps when I watch TV at a moderately low volume in the middle of the afternoon. 2 out of the last three nights her and her bf tapped relentlessly in hopes of making me go to bed (lol) which is pointless because they wake me up with loud sex within 30 minutes of that.

Honestly it feels like she’s just trying to get me to move out, which I cannot really afford to do because I will get a ridiculously low amount of money back.

The AirBNB host claims there’s nothing they can do about it. I have lived in an apartment on a college campus, an apartment in philly, and several apartments in Argentina. I have NEVER had a neighbor this infuriating.

They know the walls are thin and want privacy for when they fuck, but want me to have zero privacy all day and dictate when I go to bed. What the hell am I supposed to do?