I’ve been building a music production business for the past couple of years and am finally living the DN life after years of lurking around here. Currently in Lisbon and heading to Thailand for the first few months of 2024.

Being a DNing music producer definitely has its struggles - especially having to work out of AirBnBs instead of studios, and having to carry around gear and instruments (I currently pack a traveler guitar, a MIDI keyboard, decent headphones, and an interface). At the same time it’s an extremely flexible profession and I get to work whenever for the most part. I do most of my work from my accommodation as co-working spots aren’t fond of guitars lol.

I meet a lot of software engineers, design folk, video editors etc but am yet to find a DN’ing music professional.

What’s your experience been like?

  • carolinax@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I know of one guy who runs a music website (or did back in 2015 onward) who DN’d through SEA. He built an interesting niche EDM site and accepted donations. It was interesting stuff.

    I know of another guy who is a music producer and singer and for like 15 years he built a career for himself selling licenses to his corporate music on Audio Jungle, he’s done very well for himself but he’s not a DN and he doesn’t like to travel (even turned down a North American tour).