Is it possible United suddenly needed a plane down in Guatemala City same-day and so put that flight to send the aircraft down there on sale last minute when it was wide open, resulting in a stupid cheap fare?

Here’s the backstory. Either I am insane or this is real. Last Saturday I think it was, I was casually searching cheap international flights from NYC, and I came across a flight that was about $75 AFTER the taxes and fees on United, direct to Guatemala City! I think the base fare said it was about $45 or something insane like that. The flight time said it was about 6hr15min if I recall. I was floored. I don’t remember exactly which, but the flight was either same day or next day. I wanna say it was same day, taking off at about 6:30pm but i’m not sure. So anyway, I was actually just kind of goofing off with the flight search while I was multi-tasking at work, so while it did surprise me enough to take note, I don’t remember the specific details. It was too short notice for me to do anything about it anyway. So, fast forward a few days, and now I’m back to searching to try to find the same itinerary, and not only are the prices on United much more expensive, but they are not even showing any direct EWR-GUA service! Does anyone have any insight into what could possibly be going on with this? My curiosity is piqued, and I’m beginning to even doubt myself that maybe I hallucinated or daydreamed it LOL. If anyone can settle this curiosity with some info I’d appreciate it!