This is a bit political but i feel this should be looked at. Whatever it’s on on the Lemmy instance or the Mastodon instances.

My main concern is about the concept of Embrase Extend Extinguish they could use.

      1 year ago

      It seems the issue is that if meta comes here one day with 10 million users it’s going to just stomp over every other instance in the fediverse. Next step will be changing AP so it benefits them, forcing other instances to either adapt or get cut off from 90% of the content (and if you are wondering what will the people choose, look at reddit), like what Google does to browser standards despite W3C. And the final step is reaching the same state as email today - if you are not coming from one of the big approved providers, you are unsafe, blacklisted and completely isolated.

      In short, if meta succeeds at breaking into this new tech, they will take the reigns, they won’t play nice by the rules. Doesn’t even matter if they get blacklisted or not.

      1 year ago

      @brodokk But for Meta, proceeding with them, if we really want to do this, should be tied to “trust goalposts”: Federation only when they completely revoke the NDA (“we can’t be open unless they’re open”). No implementation of features they bring in unless most implementations have this, too. No switching off features just because Meta hasn’t implemented them (correctly) yet. And: Hold them to good moderation standards.