Is there a site that goes into detail on every substitute? Like, my failure last time was none of the subs were any good, but its been a decade almost. stuff evolves. I love the taste and and feel of so many animal products. A roomie is going vegan, and I kinda want to join. But I’m scared of missing out. I FOMO hard. I want to. I really do, but I am gourmand hedonist who loves food and loves cooking for other people so much. I am a much better cook because of what I learned when I tried last, but god damn I NEED cheese and eggs in life you feel? I need something that compares to avoid that FOMO.

But when I was vegan I was in the best shape of my life, so I want to go back because who doesn’t want to look good and be confident?

TLDR: A knowledge repository with the closest to 1:1 for animal product vegan versions that get damn close. I don’t want to miss out if that makes sense.

  • edwardligma [he/him]
    2 years ago

    i think more than anything else, watch dominion to remind yourself why its so important (cw: incredibly graphic violence). remember it if youre ever tempted to fall off the wagon again, missing out on a bit of cheese or whatever pales in comparison to contributing to this horror

    agree with everyone else here saying not to focus on replacements but to make things that are delicious in their own right. this is my favourite recipe website, it has so much good shit. and ive cooked plenty of them for groups of omnis to very positive reviews. people are genuinely surprised that vegan food is tasty as fuck, but if you cook them imitations theyre just gonna focus on "it doesnt really taste like "

    also i used to be the “i could never be vegan, i could never give up cheese” guy, and then i gave up cheese and literally never even think about it any more