I’m going to dedome my m150 and I’m considering dedomeing my h04rc. I’m a little concerned with the increased throw on a headlamp but I’m having trouble resisting the appeal of the upgraded tint and duv. I’ve researched dedoming and I feel confident but I’m not sure how to get to the emitters. Any thoughts or tips?

  • stavigoodbye@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Well I have only swapped and dedomed like 10 different M150s now. So feel free to hit me up with any questions.

    It can easily be done in the light. I like to take the battery out. Remove the reflector, glass and bezel. Put the battery back in and run Turbo for a bit. That will soften it up. Then just use the cut off qtip to push sideways and slightly up. I have been using at cut down chopstick since it’s non conductive and a little stiffer.