Tired of constantly having conversations like this:

“Where are you from?”


“But where are you really from?/But whats your nationality?/Are you actually american?.. like… full american?”

American isnt a race! American =/= white. Yes im “full american” even though im ethnically latino! If you want to know my ethnicity/race then just ask me that instead of implying im not a “real” american.

I know most people asking this arent doing so from a place of malice, but damn does it get tiring after the 100th time.

  • Acceptable-Amount-14@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Turks in Turkey or visitors, tourist and students from Turkey, they’re great.

    Turks who want to live in Europe, but not become europeans, who want to change our countries into Turkey? No, they should go back to Turkey.

    • eatyourwine@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      So you believe that Turkish people shouldn’t live in Germany at all, and there’s no path to assimilation.

      The friend sounds assimilated, but you already seem to know who they voted for and exactly their character, and you don’t tolerate it at all. They aren’t German and should leave, even though they were born and raised in Germany.

      • Acceptable-Amount-14@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        So you believe that Turkish people shouldn’t live in Germany at all, and there’s no path to assimilation.

        It’s very easy to assimilate yourself. Marry a german, have german children, give them german names and baptize them.

        If you marry another turk, give turk names and follow a turk religion and continue to live as a turk, then you’re a turk, living in germany.

        • Warum208@alien.topB
          10 months ago

          Thank you for enlightening me about this stuff. I am actually not baptized, and I follow neither the middle eastern religion that dominated Germany the last 1000 years nor one of the Teutonic ones that existed before. Oh no. And I have the most popular name for German boys in the 90s, but I just googled it and it turns out it’s origin is hebrew…Oh no. And I have to admit I do not like Sauerkraut much…Oh no, my whole identity is disappearing.

          No, honestly, do you know how many people in my life have given a fuck about me being religious? It’s 0.

          And the same way, it’s not going to matter if a turkish-looking person does all the things you want. They are still going to be judged and stereotyped by how they look, nothing else.

          I mean, you yourself already knew everything about my friend from his culinary habits to political views, all without asking him a single question. It’s like magic, right?

          My kids will probably face the same problems if they don’t primarily inherit my features because my SO isn’t white. Then, even the “1000 years of history” that I will give them with my magical blood will matter for many people.

          • Acceptable-Amount-14@alien.topB
            10 months ago

            Let me tell you something, I don’t go around seeing some brown person and think “foreigner”, I think “fellow human in Denmark”.

            If they give me just any small inclination that they identify as danish, then I will view them as danish.

            If on the other hand they speak a ghetto-arabic language with each other and they dress in ways that no or few danes do and if they behave in a threathening manner and if by their behaviour they make it very clear they are in opposition to what I consider Denmark, then I’ll take them on it and consider them as foreign.

            • Warum208@alien.topB
              10 months ago

              Let me tell you something, I don’t go around seeing some brown person and think “foreigner”, I think “fellow human in Denmark”.

              If they give me just any small inclination that they identify as danish, then I will view them as danish.

              Ah, my apologies then, with you being able to judge so quickly that Rustykilo’s and my friend aren’t German I had wrongfully assumed you were basing that on something else. Of course, I should have known that you were able to meet them before and judge their clothing style as not sufficient, especially since we Germans are internationally famous for being well-dressed. :P

              I do have to point out, though, that while I don’t know much about Denmark, there is actually no mandatory dress code in Germany. Quite the opposite actually, if anything there are laws preventing a government from enforcing such. So judging their Germaness on their clothes would be if anything very Ungerman.

              But that’s good if people aren’t judged by their ethnicity in Denmark, you guys are probably a lot more liberal than us then. Because if you ask any ‘non-white’ German here about their experiences, many will tell you that’s not what happens here, no matter when they or their ancestors immigrated here or how ‘well-behaved’ they are.