But even some progressive gay white men say they feel alienated from a movement they see becoming more radical, particularly online, where the tenor of conversation is often uncivil.

Hot take: I’m honestly, vocally sick of settler-gay men who demand that you handle them with kid gloves when their entire existence within the community is an existence blanketed in microaggression at best, when they’re not being outright full-on macroaggressive about someone that ‘doesn’t fit their “preference”’; and I’m genuinely glad people are starting to talk about it.

  • CountryBreakfast@lemmygrad.ml
    10 months ago

    They aren’t broad enough statements. It’s white queers generally too. I am currently watching white queers in union leadership ignore all union bylaws and undermine democratic processes while making it a very unwelcoming environment for bipoc. Guess who they blame for lack of participation? I’ll give you a hint… It’s certainly not blame directed at themselves. And after the 3rd and 4th time it’s brought up there is still no hope for change beyond booting people from their positions. We need better solidarity and better leadership in our organizations and it seems white queer folk are just as prone to repeating the routine racist mistakes that other whites make and are equally stubborn about self criticism. It really undermines our organizations when people refuse to read the room while making it about themselves. We all need an annual mandatory history lesson on how often white people fuck it up for everyone. That includes white queers.