Twelve police were wounded on Saturday (17 June) in clashes with demonstrators in France’s Savoie department where a protest against a high speed rail project in the Alps turned violent, authorities said.

    1 year ago

    This time of luxury is gone. You don’t need to spare 1h on an international rail trip, we are in a situation of crisis, not in a situation of “feelgood”. You don’t need the public to invest so much resources in this project while so many other railway projects are still necessary but dormant.

    A lot of people pays the triple price

    I’ll be brutally honest: fuck them.

    Let them spend one more hour and let’s send this public money and workforce to remove trucks from the roads and replace it with rail. And if you need 1 more hour to do Paris Turin then so be it. Punch a pillow roll over the floor. In the meantime we transform the roads in the inner country.