Do you watch them?
Yeah, if I’m playing it (ie. stuck) or don’t really want to but want the story, I’ll watch 'em. I don’t watch commentary gameplay vids for the gameplay.
Depends on the game.
Well it depends if the gamer playing the game has a good personality then commentary anyday but if otherwise then no commentary
Depends if I’m watching for hints/help or to be entertained.
I tend to prefer commentary because 90% of the time if I’m watching gaming videos it’s either twitch streams or speed runs, both of which are a lot more entertaining with commentary.
Most of the time I only watch them if I get stuck on a specific part of a game and don’t know what else to do, so I can try to figure out what to do next in the game
I run youtube when I go to sleep. Sometimes I just wanna pass out to gameplay.
You need commentary of you want to have any idea how a game plays. So many bad ganes look fine in short birsts where you are not controlling the action yourself. A lot of whether a game is good or not comes down to ‘feel’.
That’s the only kind of videos I make for my channel. I don’t want to hear someone’s annoying voice all the time or mindless banter.
I can’t tell. I have no data because no one watches mine 😂
It depends on the focus: if it’s on showing how to progress through a specific part or on highly technical gameplay (like a speedrun or a hack), then, sure.
But, if the video is just playing the game normally, I’d rather get some commentary; if not, why would I watch it instead of playing myself? I’d prefer to feel like I’m watching with someone. That’s why 95% of my videogame-related watches have been with commentary.
This exactly, if im looking for something specific i dont want commentary, otherwise i prefer to watch with commentary, its just more entertaining that way