Never got around to playing these games but they look cool. Do they hold up today on an Xbox Series X? Are they worth playing?

  • Unoriginal1deas@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I replayed the them recently so I feel pretty confident saying they’re all still great and theee nothing else on the market that’s even trying to do what these games do so it’s not like your gonna play them and think “oh this feels lesser wolfenstien 9 or whatever”. And as a series they’re really engaging to playthrough but each successfully does soemthing different so fatigue never really set in for me.

    The New Order is the start of this if reboot, a fantastic introduction to this series with really well written characters and rock solid gunplay that hasn’t aged a day. It feels like they didn’t know of they’d get a sequal so they tried to make the most well rounded game they could.

    The Old Blood, I really like this as a half life esque game in the sense it’s all one continuous journey where we never leave our protagonist eyes while making our way through castle wolfenstien, the set pieces aren’t as grand as The New Order but when you go in baring in mind this was a mid budget Expandalone it’s rock solid. They didn’t have budget for cutscenes so a lot of the silence is filled with BJ’s inner monologue (which wasn’t in the new order) and it’s really interesting and feels like we get a peak behind the curtain at our action hero murder machine. It Doesn’t overstay it’s welcome and it’s a fun break between New order and New Collossus.

    New Collosus, this was really controversial when it came out but straight up this is my favourite of the franchise I remember people said it was too hard but maybe it was 2 games behind me but I thought this was the easiest but also most satisfying of the lot, the shooting was crisp and the story went in some surprisingly unpredictable ways and did an even better job of exploring BJ as a person.

  • Okayish_Elderberry@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I wanted to bash you for saying “older games”, cause they’ve just came out!

    But TNO is from 2014. Mother of God.

    I need my Alzheimer pills.

  • JCM42899@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I read “Older Wolfenstein games” and thought this was gonna be about Return to Castle Wolfenstein or Wolfenstein '09. Man it’s been a wild ride with this series.

    The New Order is kickass and I make a point to play through it every so often because it’s just so satisfyingly fun. Old Blood is a solid prequel that’s overall shorter than a full-length game, but was worth the twenty bucks I paid for it. It’d definitely worth playing them.

  • Sharkus1@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    3D and Return to Castle Wolfenstein are still amazing games. I wish we could play the 09 game but alas it’s forever. The Newer games are good but the newest one with the daughters was awful.

  • Middcore@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    They’re all worth playing.

    TNO has a better-paced campaign I think, but there are a couple of irritating parts where you’re kind of forced to use certain weapons that the developers thought were more fun than I thought they were.

    TNC is an improvement in the shooting gameplay but the campaign design is sort of weird and the story tone is kind of strange like they couldn’t settle if they wanted it to be gritty and emotional or wacky.

    TOB is a really solid throwback to the feel of the older games with castles and villages and supernatural shit.

  • Mean_Joke_7360@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Since the PS2 days, my dad had an infatuation with criterion’s Black. He played the shit out of that game. When he got a 360, his eye moved to Halo, and so it was, until we got an Xbox one. What got him out of halo? The new order. He was replaying it an hour or so ago. He’s a very critical guy. Yeah, they hold up, and kick ass.

  • Interesting_Many_983@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Honestly they are amazing, you should definitely check them out, but I would stop there.

    The new Colossus was meh for me and Youngblood was like… what the actual fuck, why?