But I’m not looking for a game like Dark Souls.

Recently I’ve been playing Xcom 2, The Long Dark, and (maybe the outlier) State of Decay 2.

These 3 games are hard as heck in the beginning but just get easier as the game progresses.

In xcom, 4 soldiers, basic abilities is hard. But as soon as you can take more soldiers with better abilities it’s gets easier despite there being more and strong enemies.

In The Long Dark the game is hard to start because your gear is rubbish but get some decent clothes, tools and a weapons and the difficulty drops.

SOD2: The outlier because it’s a faster paced game. But again, you start out with rubbish gear and no car, but as soon as that changes you’re laughing.

So my question is can you guys recommend a ‘low skill’ game that stays difficult? I’m too old and lack the timing to play souls games.

This War of Mine is a decent example.

Even after you can get water or food set up, dwindling world resources still bites you in the ass.

Thanks for reading and I look forward to your suggestions. (I have a PS5 and Xbox S)

  • taishiea@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Natural Doctrine. Tactical Game, turn based as in Your turn and then enemy turn.

    High difficulty as you can’t rush anything, one character dies and you gotta restart from your last save. Enemy is unfair as they will camp choke points and lure you close enough to then pound that one character that is too close. movement is a grid system but at the same time your position in that grid can affect your chances of victory. Line of sight is very important, as if you can see them they can see you making cover hard to use and needing to hug walls very important. Learning curve is high as they don’t explain advance techniques but still allows the enemy to utilize them against you until you figure it out.

    Game pisses me off to this day, originally released on PS3 but it is one of those games that makes you take your time to plan 20 steps ahead before you move. very satisfying to complete a level.