Doesn’t help that so many of the Obsidian devs that made NV so great have since left the studio. At this point it’s almost completely different people.
It was better than starfield in my opinion with just a fraction of the money and dev team.
It was not perfect by any means, especially the weakest aspect combat (not far off from NV). But the dialogue, choices that matter, and different playstyle/ways to solve problems are still there. Like you can play a low INT character that can lead to great dialogue and a funny ending that i wont spoil.
Obsidian just did that with Outer Worlds and it was a resounding so-so. NV was lightning in a bottle
Doesn’t help that so many of the Obsidian devs that made NV so great have since left the studio. At this point it’s almost completely different people.
It was better than starfield in my opinion with just a fraction of the money and dev team.
It was not perfect by any means, especially the weakest aspect combat (not far off from NV). But the dialogue, choices that matter, and different playstyle/ways to solve problems are still there. Like you can play a low INT character that can lead to great dialogue and a funny ending that i wont spoil.
I would give an obsidian fallout game a chance.