I’m 25 years old and I’ve been running my own e-commerce and web “agency” for the past 9 months, focusing on designing and programming online stores and SaaS. I absolutely love my work and the freedom it brings, but this lifestyle can be lonely at times. Sure, I meet people and hang out, but soon it’s time to part ways.

My dream would be to find a co-founder who’s also a digital nomad, so we could sometimes travel together and work towards the same goals. But I realize it’s a long shot, for a few reasons:

  1. Different goals: It’s tough to find someone who shares your vision and goals.
  2. Travel preferences: We might have different ideas about where to go.
  3. … And there are likely more reasons.

Do any of you travel with other digital nomads, hopping from one country to another? Or ever done it? Also, I’d love to hear your thoughts on my idea. Where should I start looking for someone who might want to join this journey?