I assume “Other purposes” is govt kickbacks to mining and gas companies 😬

  • kboy101222
    1 year ago

    I mean, we spend more on defense than the next several nations combined and we haven’t won a war in 80 years.

    We spend more on healthcare than every other nation and it’s still the most expensive healthcare system in the world.

    We spend hundreds of billions on a welfare system that forces people on it to keep working until the day they die.

    We throw out billions in kickbacks and “incentives” to billion dollar companies.

    I could go on with the numerous, seemingly never ending problems with the US, but the point is that our system is indeed bad and dumb. Nothing we have works, and all of it is extremely over funded and under delivering. At this point, tearing it all up and starting again seems like the easier way to fix things, and getting to that point is never good