The law ( the Leahy Law) requires that the US vet any foreign military receiving US arms. However, that doesn’t happen with Israel

    10 个月前

    Yeah, and the “vocal minority” gained strength when Netanyahu spoke before a joint session of Congress and insulted everyone to the left of Mussolini. And then the 2014 Gaza War was disproportionate and all over social media. And then Netanyahu named a fucking settlement after Trump, America’s worst president since Andrew Johnson. And now he’s razing Gaza and belongs at The Hague.

    I didn’t even think about the whole, entire Levant much prior to that shit. I have no connection to the wider Mideast and frankly, still don’t think it’s interesting. I like nature more than religion so there’s nothing in Jerusalem for me. (Tel Aviv sounds nicer.) But now I’m like, “Please stop bombing civilians using the weapons I apparently have to pay for. For some reason? Is Israel strategically important? Why?”

    And Likud-ass people are accusing me of hating Israel. I didn’t have an opinion but now I do. Fuck all religious nationalists with a broomstick no one has sanded down.