• barsoap
    7 months ago

    Germans are confused. They don’t want to be anti-semitic, for obvious reasons, but at the same time are so detached they cannot see the parallels between how the nationalist nazi party and the current Isreali government.

    We absolutely can see that. The question is whether the government spending its days publicly calling the Israeli government (proto-)fascist does any good, or whether keeping our extensive connections to all levels of Israeli politics and society alive and preach the old song of “violence and aggravation ain’t going to bring you peace” isn’t a much more fruitful approach.

    We have secret police, kidnappings, separate prisons with own interrogation, civilians are tried as soldiers and they are literally performing pogroms to take over land.

    Have you watched DW lately? Chances are at least some of what you wrote you actually got from there, it’s all over the channel. Did you know that it’s the foreign propaganda outlet of the German federal government? Germany does do its part protecting Palestinians by shining a light on Israel’s actions. Contrast that to many an Arab state which prefers to call Jews devilspawn and simultaneously not give a single fuck about the plight of actual Palestinians.

    See the kicker is that the Staatsräson also means “help Israel avoid going full fascist”: It’d be Israel’s downfall. And sometimes the best you can do when you’re dealing with a choleric is to hug them, in Israel’s case, show the centre and left that you’re on their side – both when it comes to being sick of Benjamin von Papen, but also when it comes to the existence of the state of Israel. That you’re on the side of coexistence.